Bathroom Safety

Living independently requires extra diligence to ensure you are safe and secure at home.  The bathroom has many potential hazards, such as slippery or hard surfaces.  Getting into or out of the bath is one of the most common ways to fall.  With the right approach and equipment to suit your needs, we can help reduce the risks and keep you independent.

We carry a variety of equipment to help keep you safe and independent and will work with you, your family, and your care providers to identify the best options for you.  Let us help you with our no-cost, in-home consultation today.

Bath benches and stools

People come in all shapes and sizes.  So do bath benches and stools.  We carry a wide variety of options to meet your needs.  Let us help you find the best option for your needs.

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Safety rails

Getting in and out of the bath can be slippery business.  We carry an assortment of safety rails that mount on the side of the tub or on the wall.  

Contact us to find the best solution for you.

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Toilet safety

Your safety and comfort are very important to us.  We have a number of options for safety rails and raised seets.

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